Weather Event Damage

In the early morning hours of Sunday, October 27th the Wildlife Companions facility was battered by the most intense windstorm any of us has ever experienced.  The winds packed enough destructive power to take down two massive trees and destroy large sections of our outer fencing. In addition, the winds destroyed our barn, ripping the roof off just as we were rushing to get the goat herd that provides milk treats for our tigers out to the relative safety of the pasture. Buildings were damaged, equipment destroyed, but aside from some bumps and bruises, everyone (and all the goats) are okay.

Now for the good news: our tigers are safe, uninjured, and fully protected in their sturdy enclosures, which are designed to handle whatever nature throws our way; hence, there is no risk of escaped or injured animals.  However, we’re faced with the daunting challenge of fixing the fences, rebuilding our barn, and repairing or replacing damaged gear.  At this point we’re not even certain of the extent of our losses, but we’re assessing the situation as quickly as we can and will update you shortly.

For now, our priority is finding the funds to acquire material needed to replace and repair what we lost in the storm.  We’ve already received generous donations through our GoFundMe fundraiser started a few days ago.  We are already 30% of the way to our $10,000 goal! Can you help keep the momentum going?  If you want to contribute, you can donate at GoFundMe here.

or you can donate to us instantly via our website

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for whatever you can do.

Wildlife Companions is a 501(c)3 registered public charity, all donations are tax deductible.


Posted on October 30, 2019 .